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Alberta Klean Up Initiative 清潔大行動

2020-08-13 (星期四)

2020-08-13 (星期四)

Alberta Klean Up Initiative 清潔大行動

夏日炎炎的亞省,對不少人來說是探索大自然的好時節!然而享受大自然的同時,亦為大自然帶來不少負擔。正因如此,有組織發起Alberta Klean Up Initiative清潔大行動,希望可以藉著今次活動為大自然排毒,呼籲群眾愛護大自然,遠足時不要遺下垃圾。

The summer of Alberta is always the best time for us to explore the nature. Along with our pleasure, however, we also brought many burdens to the nature, leaving many litters behind. Through the Alberta Klean Up Initiative, we hope to clean up the trails and raise awareness for about our nature!

Alberta Klean Up Initiative 清潔大行動

今次一群華人登山愛好者,一同參加在Kananaskis及Canmore的清潔大行動!他們由Barrier Lake停車場出發至Barrier Lake Lookout山頂清理垃圾,來回約11.6公里,攀升度:699米。

Alberta Klean Up Initiative 清潔大行動


Alberta Klean Up Initiative 清潔大行動


Alberta Klean Up Initiative 清潔大行動