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FM947 22 週年《Trico Homes 以家為本珍貴照片大募集》賽果公佈及照片大匯集

2020-12-14 (星期一)

2020-12-14 (星期一)

感謝聽眾踴躍參與FM94.7 22 週年台慶《Trico Homes 以家為本珍貴照片大募集》,溫情分享照片逾百張,當中不乏有故事、有溫度、有深度的動人作品。

Thanks you all for your participation in the FM947 22nd Anniversary Celebration "Trico Homes Founded in Family Photo Contest". We have received close to a hundred photos, many of which are heart-warming and in-depth works. 

恭喜Simon Lo提交8號作品,憑著269票獲得「Facebook最人氣作品獎」 現金$250CAD

Congratulations to Simon Lo for submitting photo no.8, which won the Facebook Most Popular Award, a 250CAD cash price;

Facebook Most Popular Award: Simon Lo

Facebook Most Popular Award: Simon Lo

而經冠名贊助Trico Homes最後評選,得獎者SF Yeung提交#7作品 獲「最佳作品獎」現金$500CAD,該作品以一對玩耍中小孩為背景,以及家庭成員之一的小狗,一副怡然自得的樣子,在酣睡中甜笑;表達出「家」是最安全、最溫暖、最充滿愛和信任的感覺,尤其疫情當下。

After the final selection by our special sponsor Trico Homes, SF Yeung with photo no.7, is the final winner awarded with a 500CAD cash price. With children playing in the background and a puppy, with a happy and contented look, smiles sweetly in a deep sleep; shares the safest, warmest, most loving and trusting feeling at home, especially in this pandemic situation. 

Final Winner awarded by Trico Homes: SF Yeung

Final Winner awarded by Trico Homes: SF Yeung

FM947 Station Manger到Trico Homes代領得獎者支票

FM947 Station Manger到Trico Homes代領得獎者支票

恭喜以上兩位得獎者,以及再次感謝Trico Homes冠名贊助及各位聽眾們對FM947加拿大中文電台22年的支持與愛戴!請按以下視頻回顧這些溫馨的照片吧!

Congratulations to the two winners, and once again thank you to Trico Homes and our audiences for all your support and love to Fairchild Radio FM947 for 22 years!Please enjoy the following video of all our heart-warming submissions!