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加拿大中文電台 Fairchild Radio FM94.7

於一九九八年十一月啟播,隸屬於新時代傳媒集團的商營多元文化電台,廣泛地於卡加利地區提供超過二十種語言的廣播服務,包括粵語、國語、日語、印度語,以至俄語、泰語、越南語、波蘭語等,其中以中文廣播時段最長,每星期達至一百二十小時。FM94.7 為順應近年各族裔人口增長及變化,攜手為卡加利地區提供一星期七天的廣播服務,以照顧不同生活所需、文化背景及傳統為己任。

加拿大中文電台擁有本地最強的廣播人材,新聞及節目主持陣容強勁,精心製作的節目題材新穎、形式多樣化,從新聞、時事性專題、音樂節目、清談雜誌式節目,以至財經、體育、文化藝術、廣播劇、社區慈善活動等亦無所不備,故成為卡加利最受歡迎的中文媒體之一。自成立以來,FM94.7 不但成為聽眾們最信賴的朋友。更是各行各業拓展市 場最可靠及最具成本效益的商業伙伴。

Launched in November 1998, Fairchild Radio CHKF 94.7 FM is Calgary’s most established, most complete multicultural radio station. The radio is committed to provide multicultural programs in over 20 languages, making a creative contribution to ethnic communities without sacrificing individual cultural values, traditions or lifestyles.

CHKF 94.7 FM serves a diverse and sophisticated audience with a wide array of program formats ranging from news, current affairs, finance, talk show, lifestyle, entertainment, music and more. Since its inception, CHKF 94.7 FM has become not only its audience most trusted friend in the airwave, but also the business owners most reliable and cost-effective marketing partner for reaching their target customers.