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Distracted Walking 自己都不注意安全 誰會來保護你?

2017-10-20 (星期五)

2017-10-20 (星期五)


大家都知道開車時使用手提電話是違法的,在亞省分心駕駛的罰款是 $287,再加扣三點記分.但原來從室內走到公眾停車場的短短幾步路,倘若你分心使用手提電話而忽略觀察周邊的環境細節,也有可能為你帶來比金錢罰款更可怕的後果...

It is illegal to use your mobile devices while driving, it might also bring you unpredictable nightmare if you use your cell phone while walking to your car in a public parking lot.  Distracted walking is as bad as distracted driving. Tragedies are preventable sometimes. Learn how to protect yourself and spread out the words to your friends and family.

其實晚一些才發短訊或打電話,又有甚麼關係呢? 只要大家提高警惕,留意身邊的陌生人和環境多一些,有時候這些「惡夢」是可以避免的!