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Secret of Chinatown 籌款晚宴

2023-03-09 (星期四)

2023-03-09 (星期四)

Secret of Chinatown籌款晚宴

Heritage Park Village主辦的Secret of Chinatown籌款晚宴於3月6日落下帷幕。這場蘊含豐富唐人街文化,流淌著慈善血液的籌款晚宴,不僅是對卡加利華人社會有著積極的影響作用,也再次激起社會各界發掘、傳播唐人街故事的活力。可見一場有意義的慈善晚宴能帶來的巨大影響力。

加拿大中文電台FM94.7作為本次We Were Here《我們曾經在此處》展覽以及本次籌款晚宴傳媒贊助應邀出席見證活動盛況,現場衣香鬢影,熠熠生輝,以及各界人士源源不絕的善款,為褒揚唐人街的文化不遺餘力。

Lisa Falkowsky,Director Fund Development
Terry Chan,FM94.7 Station Manager
Cathy Du, FM94.7 Marketing

晚宴開始前,FM94.7成員肯定要參觀欣賞下本台有份參與製作的We Were Here《我們曾經在此處》展覽,通過五個憶述的故事作為切入點,講述華人移民多元化的經歷與他們在本省所建立的社區,這個展覽探討早期和當代華裔加拿大人尋找歸屬感的經歷。本台製作中文翻譯以及用廣東話、國語聲情演繹五個故事,讓更多到場的觀眾可以了解關於卡加利華人的歷史。故事聲音重溫:


"The Secret of Chinatown" fundraiser event organized by Heritage Park Historical Village came to a close on March 6. This remarkable fundraising event has had a positive impact on promoting Chinatown's culture in Calgary. As a media sponsor, Fairchild Radio FM94.7 was invited to the evening of gourmet food and entertainment, celebrating the history of Calgary Chinatown and the contributions we have made in creating this vibrant community in Calgary! Visit Heritage Park today to learn more stories!

We Were Here exhibit is from Jan. 14 - April 30, 2023 in Gasoline Alley Museum. Bring your family and come learn about Chinese history on the prairies through art and imagination, discover fictional stories written by members of the Chinese community, and explore two iterations of Chinatown in Calgary.


巧遇 故事三《從廣州到卡加利》故事主人翁的第二代後人Robert Jim,家燕即刻拿出錄製的廣東話於其欣賞,大家對卡加利華人歷史慨歎不已。

(左起) Heritage Park工作人員,本台市場部Cathy Du,以及家燕手持本次展覽中文翻譯稿,與Heritage Park President and CEO Lindsey Galloway 合照。

Ben Leung,港加商會HKCBA,President,
Terry Chan,加拿大中文電台, Station Manager,
Alexandria Sham, Federation of HK Business Associations Worldwide,Vice Chairman
Robert Jim, Dialog associate
Cathy Du, 加拿大中文電台, Marketing Executive

主辦方Heritage Park對此籌款晚宴極盡心思, 安排滋味的中式晚餐,現場各種小心思、小環節都與華裔文化絲絲緊扣,包括十二生肖台卡,紅色燈籠Q&A, 唐人街歷史知多少。表演環節更請來The Harmony Guzheng Ensemble古箏樂團表演優雅的古典音樂。

表演精彩之處是Dale Lee Kwong, 「早期唐人街故事」展覽聯合策展人,現場講述介紹卡加利華人在唐人街發展史,配合卡加利知名青年長笛演奏家李佳佳 Jiajia Li如泣似訴的笛聲,娓娓道來百年來華人如何在唐人街這塊基石奮鬥、努力、對未來的期許。

宴會主題是Secret of Chinatown,少不了邀請城中名人講下卡加利唐人街有什麼鮮為人知的故事。左起
Brian Wong: Flames TV 中文主持人,FM94.7 「加家有球」節目主持
Teresa Woo-Paw: Chair of ACCT Foundation and former MLA
Tony Wong: President Chinese Cultural Centre卡城中華文化中心會長
Alice Lam: Mega volunteer, Member of Tomorrow's Chinatown, Advisory Council OMNI TV
Jarett Sitter: We Were Here: Stories from Early Chinatown exhibit《我們曾經在此處》早期唐人街展覽插畫師


家燕Teresa Woo-Paw鮑胡嫈儀Chair of ACCT Foundation and former MLA卡城文化中心會長Tony Wong合影,Tony胸前的金色鏈串為當晚捐款後主辦方所贈。

展覽在Heritage ParkGasoline Alley Museum內舉辦,展覽從早上10點至下午4點,逢星期二到星期日,直到4月30日截止。此次展覽彰顯華人在加拿大多元文化體系中是重要組成部分,也是凝聚卡加利華人同心共築,共生共榮的堅定信念。
