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Sodium Intake 粉麵鈉含量 烏冬排第一

2017-05-17 (星期三)

2017-05-17 (星期三)

現今世代注重健康均衡飲食的人越來越多,我們盡量避免攝取過多糖份或油膩食品,但往往忽略了食物中的鈉含量。到底甚麼是,而我們又會在甚麼食物中攝取了過量的呢?香港經濟日報的一 篇 Topick 報導中分析了四類粉麵中的鈉含量

As we focus more on our diet, we start to pay attention to the labels of the food products that we purchase. Besides the high cholesteral and high sugar foods that we want to avoid, World Health Organization also suggests that we should also be cautious of the amount of sodium we intake. In fact, there is more sodium than you would think in some of the foods we consume! Topick from HKET has recently published an article on the four popular noodles and pasta and the amount of sodium within them. Below are some ways on how we can avoid over-consumption of sodium by Canadian Liver Foundation.

Sodium Intake 粉麵鈉含量 烏冬排第一


Sodium Intake 粉麵鈉含量 烏冬排第一

世界衛生組織 (World Health Organization) 於2016年的一份研究報告建議一般成年人每日應攝取少於 2000 毫克,相等於一茶匙的鹽。以每100克份量來計算,未加調味的河粉、米粉、意粉和烏冬比較起來,原來烏冬已含有240毫克的鈉!由於我們常吃的粉麵都含,若一日三餐都外出用膳,的攝取量便會很容易超標。

Sodium Intake 粉麵鈉含量 烏冬排第一Sodium Intake 粉麵鈉含量 烏冬排第一

