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2016 牛仔節早餐搵食指南

2016-07-06 (星期三)

2016-07-06 (星期三)

牛仔節早餐搵食指南又來啦!牛仔節還有數天就正式開始,FM947亦在此為大家介紹城中食牛仔節早餐 Stampede Breakfast的地點。密切留意本台動向,牛仔牛女突擊隊將會為大家帶來很多有關牛仔節的活動及節目推介!

Calgary Stampede is almost here, and that means Stampede breakfasts are just around the corner! FM947 is bringing back the guide to Stampede breakfasts to recommend all the locations of where you will be able to get some free breakfasts in the next two weeks! Buzzfeed has compiled a list of pancakes from 24 different countries around the world, to showcase the various flavours and styles of pancakes.

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本地經常吃的牛仔節早餐主要是以班戟為主,有些會配有腸仔或漢堡扒和薯餅等。美加式班戟做法簡單,吃前加點牛油和楓蜜已非常好味。但其實班戟並不是北美洲獨有的食品,世界各地對於班戟的做法亦各有不同,網媒 Buzzfeed 就為大家總結了24款特色班戟,有鹹的亦有甜的,你又試過多少款式呢?

想看看另外14個國家的特色班戟就要按此瀏覽更多 (原來韓式班戟是辣的!)